A message from the Chair

On 28th June 2022 the AGM of Inverness Hospitals Broadcasting Service was held.  This was our first ‘In person’ AGM for two years and it was well attended.  COVID hasn’t quite gone away though, so we had a live stream available to those that could attend.

2021/22 was a year of rebuilding of IHR.  We’ve launched a new schedule, invested in new technology to keep the service reliable and most importantly we launched our online service so we can be heard ‘Across the wards, Across the Highlands & Across the World’.

I have been nominated to continue as Chair of IHR for the year 2022/23 which is a privilege and honour.  We’ve done some much last year, but there is so much more to do this year.  Read more about it in my Chair’s Report.



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